We're working on better build artifact management for app devs

We're working on better build artifact management for app devs

Tell us your frustrations with build artifact and release management

We're working on Buildstash because we were frustrated it didn't exist. It was clear to us that current build artifact management tools weren't catering to app and game devs.

As the co-founders, we've worked in studios ranging from client work, SaaS, mobile app dev, XR, and games, and not a single team we've worked with had an effective strategy for archiving and managing past builds. We've seen shared drive dumping grounds, confusion over what build is what, constantly expiring WeTransfer links, frustrated clients, lost key builds, over-complicated deployment, and plenty developer time wasted.

Right now, Buildstash is just a two-person team, a few months into this journey.

We're really excited with what we're building. And we want to make sure we're building what others need, not just what we've observed ourselves.

If you're an app (mobile/desktop) or game developer, we'd massively appreciate it if you were up for sharing your own frustrations with how you or your team manage build artifacts at the moment, and how you get them out to users or collaborators! Give us your thoughts via this link.

And if you're just up for finding out more about the project, and following what we're working on, aside from sharing occasional updates here, you can find us at Buildstash.com.